给 Iacob 留言

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K5mfgQ <a href="htt 说:
2011年10月03日 01:31

K5mfgQ <a href="http://nnkhrsfstnst.com/">nnkhrsfstnst</a>

Haha. I woke up down 说:
2011年10月02日 15:01

Haha. I woke up down today. You've chereed me up!

linguochen 说:
2011年1月12日 01:27

Dear Iacob:

I am glad to write to you.Firstly ,please permit me to introduce myself :I am a chinese teacher ,and my major is Fuctional Analysis. I am interested in d-convex functions, which is the same as you^_^. Now it is very difficult to find some papers in China . They are:
[1] T.T. Arkhipova, I.V. Sergienko, On the formalization and

solution of some problems of organizing the computing process in

data processing systems, Kibernetica 1973, 5, 11-18; Englsh transl.

in Cybernetics 9 (1973).

[2] V. Boltyanskii, P. Soltan, Combinatorial geometry of various

classes of convex sets, Stiinta, Chisinau, 1978. (Russian).

[3] P.M. Dearing, R.L. Francis,T.J. Lowe, A minimax location

problem on a network, Transportation Sci., 1974, 8, 333-343.

[4] P. M. Dearing, R. L. Francis, T. J. Lowe, Convex location

problems on tree networks, Oper. Res. 24 (1976), 628-624.

[5] J. Hooker, Nonlinear Network location Models, Ph.D. Thesis,

Univ. of Microfilms Int., Ann Arbor , 1984.

[6] M.E. Iacob, V. Soltan, On geodetic Characteristic of Networks,

Studii si Cercetari Matematice, 5, 46, 1994, 521-527.

[7] M.E. Iacob, Divided differences and convex functions of higher

order on networks, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai Math., 3, 1994, 43-56.

[8] V. Karmanov, Programmation Matematique, Editions MIR, Moscou,


[9] M. Labbe, Essay in network location theory, Cahiers de Centre

d'Etude et de Recherche Oper., 1985, 27(1-2), 7-130.

[10] T.T. Lebedeva, I.V. Sergienko,V.P. Soltan, On conditions for

the coincidence of a local minimum and the global minimum in

discrete optimization problems, Sov. Math. Dokl., 1985, 32(1),


[11] K. Menger, Metrische Untersuchungen, Ergebnisse eines math.

Kolloq. Wien. 1 (1931), 2-27.

[12] A. Sochirca, V. Soltan, d-Convex functions on graphs, Mat.

Issled. No. 11(1988), 93-106. (Russian)

[13] P. Soltan, V. Cepoi, Solution of Weber's problem for discrete

median metric spaces, Trans. Inst. Math. Tbilisi 85 (1987), 52-76.


[14] P. Soltan, Ch. Prisacaru, Steiner's problem on graphs, Dokl.

Akad. Nauk SSSR 198 (1971), 46-49. (Russian)

[15] P. Soltan, D. Zambitchi, Ch. Prisacaru, Extremal problems on

graphs and algorithms of their solution, Stiinta, Chisinau, 1973.


[16] P. Soltan, V. Soltan, d-Convex functions, Dokl. Akad. Nauk

SSSR 249 (1979), 555--558. (Russian)

[17] V. Soltan, Some properties of d-convex functions. I. II, Bull.

Acad. Sci. Moldova. Ser. Phis.- Techn. Math. Sci. No. 2 (1980),

27--31; No. 1 (1981), 21--26. (Russian)

[18] V. Soltan, d-Convexity in graphs, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 272

(1983), 535--537. (Russian)

[19] V. Soltan, Introduction to the axiomatic convexity theory,

Stiinta, Chisinau, 1984. (Russian)

[20] V. Soltan, Metric convexity in graphs, Studia Univ. Babes c

s-Bolyai. Mathematica (1991), No. 4, 3--43.

[21] V. Soltan, V. Cepoi, Some classes of d-convex functions in

graphs, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 273 (1983), 1314--1317. (Russian)

[22] V. Soltan, V. Cepoi, d-Convexity and Steiner functions on a

graph, Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belorussian SSR 29 (1985), 407--408.


[23] B. C. Tansel, R. L. Francis, T. J. Lowe, Location on networks:

a survey, Manag. Sci. 29 (1983), 482--511.

[24] J.S.W. Wong, Remarks on metric spaces, Nederl. Akad. Wetensch.

Proc. Soc. A 69=Indag. Math. 28 (1966), 70-73.

would you please sent them to me by e-mail? Many thanks!

Your truthly

Guochen Lin