Aptana Studio 3正式版发布了


Iacob posted @ 2011年3月30日 18:07 in 未分类 with tags android eclipse , 2955 阅读


[2011-03-30 17:45:38 - ddms]'adb start-server' succeeded
[2011-03-30 17:45:38 - adb]* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
[2011-03-30 17:45:38 - adb]* daemon started successfully *
[2011-03-30 17:45:38 - DeviceMonitor]Opening adb connection
[2011-03-30 17:45:38 - DeviceMonitor]Connecting to adb for Device List Monitoring...
[2011-03-30 17:45:38 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
[2011-03-30 17:45:39 - DeviceMonitor]Opening adb connection
[2011-03-30 17:45:39 - DeviceMonitor]Connecting to adb for Device List Monitoring...
[2011-03-30 17:45:39 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
[2011-03-30 17:45:40 - DeviceMonitor]Opening adb connection
[2011-03-30 17:45:40 - DeviceMonitor]Connecting to adb for Device List Monitoring...
[2011-03-30 17:45:40 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 3





sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.bindv6only=0


ekhan.in 说:
2023年4月16日 18:11

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